
1920s 1930s Free Hat Patterns

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Two easy FREE hats & accessories you can make at home!

Just download and print at home. Post pictures of your creations!

Click on pictures for enlargement, download and print! Right Click to save picture. Picture is the pattern.

1930s FREE HAT


 1920s FREE HAT

For another challenge try this little cutie hat:


Hat Quotes

  • Wearing a hat is like having a baby or a puppy; everyone stops to coo and talk about it.” ~ Louise Green
  • A hat is a flag, a shield, a bit of armor, and the badge of femininity. A hat is the difference between wearing clothes and wearing a costume; it’s the difference between being dressed and being dressed up; it’s the difference between looking adequate and looking your best.
  • A hat is to be stylish in, to glow under, to flirt beneath, to make all others seem jealous over, and to make all men feel masculine about. A piece of magic is a hat.” ~ Martha Sliter
  • Saying you don’t look good in a hat is like saying you don’t look good in shoes.
  • We just know inside that we’re queens. And these [hats] are the crowns we wear. ~ Felecia McMillan
  • Women who love hats don’t get jealous. It makes them happy to see a hat that looks good on someone else. Women who wear hats know who they are
  • Leave everyone wondering which is the more interesting piece of work…you or your hat.
  • A hat is a shameless flatterer, calling attention to an escaping curl, a tawny braid, a sprinkling of freckles over a pert nose, directing the eye to what is most unique about a face.  Its curves emphasize a shining pair of eyes, a lofty forehead; its deep brim accentuates the pale tint of a cheek, creates an aura of prettiness, suggests a mystery that awakens curiosity in the onlooker. ~ Jeanine Larmoth


Did you try either of the free hat patterns? Do you have sources for more? Tips for making hats. We want to hear about your goofs and your successes! Feel free to post links to site and pictures of your hat adventuring!

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